The Two Hemispheres

Our brain has two separate hemispheres, the left and the right. While these hemispheres process information and experience the world very differently, both sides of the brain are necessary to function effectively in the world.

The left hemisphere processes in a sequential, analytical manner. The left brain breaks down the individual moments and information of our experiences into manageable bits of data, which it then compares and evaluates to form an understanding. The left brain doesn’t see the “big picture” straight away; it needs to go through these steps one-by-one in order to see a broader view.

The right hemisphere, conversely, lives in the present moment and experiences life through sensation and emotion. It sees the world as a whole and is connected to rhythm and flow. It prefers uniqueness and is involved more with new experiences, events, people, and fresh, creative ideas than with details and information. It is skilled at recognizing relationships between things and allows us to see the big picture. Ultimately, it is interested in understanding and experiencing the world at large. The right hemisphere doesn’t like to follow rules that don't make sense because it sees the big picture quickly and deems unnecessary the steps taken to achieve the end result.


Left Brain

The “left brain” organizes thoughts and impulses, knows how to initiate something and follow through to completion.


Right Brain

The "right brain" imagines what can be and thinks in nonlinear interconnections. It has immediate access to insights and novel connections.

 Cultivating the use of both sides leads to breakthrough thinking, creative problem-solving, and emotional balance.

Both left and right hemispheres are involved in our mental processes and information is constantly being sent back and forth between them. An easy flow of information between hemispheres is essential for us to learn and create, to focus and remember, to communicate, and to be emotionally balanced. And the key to integration of the left and right brain is movement.

Left and right brain integration is one component of the Three Dimensions of Movement and Learning, which is the foundation for successful whole brain integration.