Discover a New Way of Being

Using movement-based somatic therapy to live your life with vitality, clarity, and possibilities.

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Even the smallest movements are dynamic and powerful.

Movement can heal, allow for growth, and facilitate learning. When we move with intention in a coordinated manner we activate our brain so that all areas are lit up and fully working together. This vibrant, integrated activity is what allows for changes in behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

Each area of the brain has unique abilities and functions that contribute to the whole, and movement is what brings it all together. As simple as it sounds, movement heals and restores because it was movement that originally developed the brain.

By harnessing the restorative power of movement we can experience more joy, confidence, and a life of possibilities.


Let’s Get Moving


Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are powered by the neural networks within our brain/body system. Dramatic personal change can take place by utilizing some surprisingly simple sensory-motor movements to activate these neural pathways. Highpoint Mind & Movement uses methods drawn from a variety of movement therapies to change the way the brain functions so that you can achieve positive changes mentally, emotionally, and physically.

two boys making funny faces

for Kids

Yes! They can read, focus, follow instructions, test successfully, and be happy. Sometimes it’s just a matter of connecting and strengthening certain nerve pathways that make it easier to think, listen, and communicate.

a couple drinking coffee in a cafe

for Adults

With just a few simple movements you can reduce your stress, depression, and anxiety, whether from childhood trauma, unwanted habits, or deep-seated fears. Feel empowered and happy at home, on the job, and in your relationships.

a senior couple with arms around each others' shoulder

for Seniors

While aging brings with it a multitude of challenges, it doesn’t have to be that way. Through simple movements let’s activate your brain in a way that maintains and improves your physical and mental well-being.

Metal post box painted yellow mounted on a brick wall.

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Riley is an exceptionally sensitive and kind 16 year old. As such, over time she developed persistent anxiety, suffered from depression, and experienced very low self-esteem.

Hello, I’m Christina.

Welcome to Highpoint Mind & Movement. For over 30 years I have been sharing the profound impact of movement on the body/mind connection, and the resulting personal change, with clients young and old. My style of somatic therapy is unique and effective for real transformation.